Why choose us?

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Oakwrights is built on trust, honesty, quality and professionalism. When you meet our carpenters, our designers or our office personnel, you cannot fail to notice how passionate they are about every timber frame building we create. This is why we encourage you to visit us, to see the expertise that goes into every one of our builds.

Modern technology meets traditional craftsmanship

Each timber frame building we complete is the result of decades of experience. We continually look to research the best technologies and invest in our staff to give you the best possible knowledge in oak frame design. This dynamic combination of traditional craft skills, and cutting-edge CNC machine technology, creates an intelligently designed oak frame that is well thought through and finished to the finest quality.

Specialist and sophisticated oak frame machine technology

Hundegger CNC is the most efficient and sophisticated heavy beam processing machinery in the world. We installed ours in 2008 and it remains the leader in solid wood processing.

The K2 machine was installed to carry out 80 per cent of the cutting for each project. This leaves our craftsmen to do the more skilled elements of your oak frame, such as the fitting, finishing, scribe work, decoration and embellishment.

This speed and precision means we can cut more complex jointing arrangements (for example, those in our patented panel system), which would not be viable using hand-held power-tools. Our process also gives you more freedom to design your oak frame home, extension or outbuilding to your own exacting standards.

Virtually step inside our workshops below.
