Face glazing

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What is face glazing?

Face glazing is a system that’s designed to work with your oak frame. The process involves securing double glazed units to the outside of the timber via a system that offers flexibility in movement while maintaining an airtight, sustainable security blanket for your build.

Working with timber and glazing

Crafted using green oak that ages with the seasons, timber continuously moves and dries out, producing a structurally stronger frame over time. Due to this, it’s extremely important that glazed units can adapt to such changing pressures from the oak to avoid any risk of damage.

Traditional glazing vs. face glazing

The most traditional method of glazing oak frames involves mounting glass units in between two beads that are fixed to the posts and studs of the frame. Once positioned, weatherproofing is achieved through the regular application of sealants which are relied on to provide minimal movement within the frame. Although this method is cheap in the short-term, it requires long-term upkeep to prevent leakages and damage to the oak frame itself. It also reduces the amount of oak visible from the inside. Which begs the question: why pay for an oak frame in the first place?

Rest assured that with our face glazing, every inch of your dream oak frame will be visible.

Top 3 benefits of face glazing

  1. Your double glazed units will be fitted with flexible weather seals, allowing for that all-important movement within the frame
  2. Seasoned, oak capping and seals improve the thermal efficiency of your structure, which extends the life of your double glazed units
  3. Our team can install your face glazing which will streamline your self-build process further, saving you both time and the need to work with multiple suppliers.

Would you like to see a fully-fledged face glazing system at work? Why not arrange to visit and stay in our Herefordshire show home.

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