Your oak frame new build and possibly your extension will require planning permission from your relevant local authority (or National Park).

Planning permission

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Planning variations

Your oak frame new build and possibly your extension will require planning permission from your relevant local authority (or National Park).

Your application for planning permission will depend on the area you are building in as each locality has its own local development plan and local interpretation of the regulations. For example permission may depend on an appropriate design fitting the local vernacular. Therefore while national planning guidance will give you an indication of whether you need planning permission or not and which minor works you can carry out without permission, it is essential that you contact your local planning authority as early in the process as possible to obtain local guidance and advice.

Levels of planning permission

Outline planning permission

Outline planning permission (OPP) is used to find out an early stage whether or not your oak frame building is likely to be approved. You will still need to have full planning permission approval agreed to start work building work.

OPP status is usually valid for three years at which point building will have to have started or re-application will need to be made.


Detailed or full planning permission

Detailed planning permission (DPP) or full planning permission (FPP) outlines exactly what you are going to build. This includes dimensions, room layouts and building materials. As soon as FPP is granted building work may commence. Sometimes conditions of approval will be attached and these must be complied with during the project. Detailed planning permission is valid for three years.

Pre-application planning advice

When considering what you want from your self-build design, it can help to gain pre-application advice from the relevant planning officer which will give an indication to the validity of your future full application. This advice will help guide your design in the best way to meet local planning requirements but may incur a small fee. When working with you on your design, your Architectural Designer will be able to advise you on whether this stage would be beneficial.

Click here to discover the answers to the most common planning permission FAQs.

