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When looking for a plot, the first thing you should consider is to look not just at available land but at a plot that has an existing property that could be demolished and replaced. This will give you more scope for finding your perfect location by opening up the possibility of building your dream oak frame home in a greenfield location where available plots of land can be scarce.
If you have some unanswered questions we can help you.
To gain inspiration for your oak frame build and learn more about how we can help you, download an electronic copy of any of our brochures immediately or you can also request a printed hardcopy version to keep handy for the coffee table or to keep with you on your travels. We have 3 brochures that cover specific types of timber building. These include oak homes, outbuildings (inc. garages) and extensions.
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Download Extensions Brochure brochure
Download Outbuildings Brochure brochure