How to create your ideal home office space

For some of us, working from home may not be out of the ordinary. However if you usually travel to the office, by now you may have transformed your kitchen, living room or spare room into a temporary home working setup.

As we look to the future, it’s suggested we may see a shift in how employers view working from home: some may have witnessed a rise in employee productivity and wellbeing, while others may be weighing up the benefits of ‘zooming’ and hosting virtual meetings in place of employees travelling to work; reducing the need of office spaces and in turn, investing the associated costs into other aspects of the business.

With this in mind, working from home may become part of our new daily routines as the current situation subsides, so, here are a handful of ways to create an office environment at home that’s perfect for you.



Let’s start by reflecting on your current setup: what are the advantages and disadvantages of where you’re working at home?

If you’re sat in an open-plan living area, you could try a more enclosed space to pinpoint your preference. Factors such as noise will affect the suitability of your home office, so ask yourself whether you enjoy hearing some noise in the background, or if you’d benefit from a completely quiet environment with limited distractions. This will help you to choose the most productive location for your home office.

Have you considered working alfresco?

Although we’re currently blessed with some lovely weather, the concept of working outside for the whole year may not be as enticing! However, outbuildings provide great spaces to work from as you can get the best of both worlds, come rain or shine. Garages or garden barns can be easily adapted to recreate an office setup that’s slightly separate from your house, but close enough to stroll through your garden to grab a mid-morning coffee from the kitchen.

An oak frame, four bay Portchester garage with space for an office above


When choosing the ideal location for your home office, it’s important your working space will work for you, both practically and functionally, now and in the future.

Take time to think about the look and the layout. Do you prefer neutral-coloured walls? Would you benefit from hanging pictures up to inspire your creativity? Perhaps you could tap into your senses by introducing a certain scent, such as this summery diffuser from The White Company. Whatever your style, create a space you’ll want to return to each day.

For most desk-based roles, having the correct office furniture will be key. If you’ve been working from your dining room table recently, consider whether it’s feasible and practical for you to be constantly packing and unpacking each week. If you’re moving into your spare room, extension or garage, instead of investing in new furniture, could you ask to rehome your desk and chair from your office at work?

Another important aspect to note is your storage requirements.

“Take some time to plan your storage requirements,” recommends Craig Alexander, a Chartered Architect here at Oakwrights. “It’s always great to be able to tidy away the visible reminders of work and make the most of every corner of your home when you are ‘off the clock’.”



This is essential. If your job involves staring at a computer screen, you’ll need to have the correct lighting in place to avoid problems such as eye strain. Click here for further advice on this from Specsavers.

Making the most of natural light and having a window to look out of is a great way to gain inspiration and a new perspective throughout the course of the day. You’ll also welcome a constant supply of fresh air into your office as you work from home.

“If you are looking to design a new space to work from at home from scratch, think about the hours you are likely to be spending there and integrate with the sun path,” continues Craig. “I.e. ensure the room will get a good amount of daylight corresponding with your working hours: early birds might want an east-facing office, for example. Dual aspect is also great for home offices on a corner for capturing more of the sun throughout the day.”

Design a home office space that is welcoming, light and airy


Although we’re living in the 21st Century, for those of us in the countryside, finding a consistent phone signal can be a difficult and sometimes an extremely frustrating task. Does this sound familiar? So, ensure your new home office is somewhere you’re confident you can make and take calls without dipping in and out of signal!

Having said this, if you’re an iPhone or smartphone user, did you know you can turn on ‘WiFi calling’ so you can connect calls via your internet? Alternatively, video software providers such as Zoom, offer free 40-minute calls to those signed up to use their product.


Would you like to discuss your ideas for a future home office with our team? Please call 01432 353 353 or email to book a complimentary online design consultation via Zoom, Skype or other software.
