3i Infill Panel System

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Traditional oak frame design

Many clients aspire to build a classic oak framed manor house, or traditional Wealden-style home. Our Patented 3i infill panel system allows for such characterful construction methods to meet stringent modern regulations, creating a warm and dry home that’s suitable for modern living expectations.

Classic appearance

Our 3i panel system mirrors the quintessential traditional look of an oak framed house, designed for both render and brick infill panels, to create a genuine ‘half-timbered’ appearance with traditional pegged joints and details.

Insulation and airtightness

This innovative and sophisticated infill panel system has been tested and assessed by TRADA (the Timber Research and Development Association), meeting NHBC (the National House Building Council) standards. The floating infill panels are recessed into your oak frame and a series of gaskets, seals and taped junctions ensure moisture and air are kept outside your home, to allow for the natural movement and shrinkage of the oak frame.

Thermal performance

Our 3i infill panel system comfortably betters the maximum limiting U-Value of 0.3W/m2K set out in Building Regulations, giving the best insulation value and overall performance for a traditional infill panel system. The key structural elements of the oak frame are built to the full thickness of the wall, with the remainder of the panel framing half-thickness. This minimises cold bridging while ensuring the maximum continuity of the insulation and the overall thermal performance of the wall.

Off-site manufacturer

All 3i infill panel systems are manufactured in our advanced workshops by CNC (computer controlled) machinery. The dry assembly of the panels also takes place here, ready for the final render or brick finish, maximising the quality, efficiency and speed of construction which will save you time on-site.
